Sunday, October 19, 2008

Baby Basics

K and I took our last Saturday morning class (hooray!) yesterday, called Baby Basics. It was taught by the same instructor of our Infant CPR class, 79 year-young RN, Shirley. And I just love this woman! She was so down to earth and amusing, and amused too - you can tell she loves what she does. And it is just so cool to get the perspective of someone who came from a time when information wasn't as readily available as it is now (sometimes too much info if you ask me) and so new mothers really had to rely on maternal instinct and common sense. You feel like she is part of a frontline of mothers who can then pass on their experiences to us. And I did learn a lot. Poor K was SO EXHAUSTED, he was trying to keep his eyes open, and unfortunately, because we were late (surprise, surprise - only 4 mins), we ended up having to sit up front and center. With our record of lateness, I wouldn't be surprised if, as a joke, our son came early (but not too early)!! Or maybe he'll take after his parents and come late (not too late)!!

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