Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Sitting On The Dock Of eBay

So this morning, after pulling open one of my dresser drawers, which are so full of new and old clothes that to open one is to open four simultaneously, and yanking out one of the few pairs of pants that still fit me, I decided it was time for stage two of my pregnancy clothes clean-out. And this time around, the pile of clothes that no longer fit me is much larger than the pile from the first trimester. Which was a little daunting. Every time I face the fact that clothes don't fit me anymore, including pre-pregnancy, I wax nostalgic about a time when my waist was that tiny, and my hips were that slim. Sometimes I can't believe I ever fit into some of the clothes. And I am making this pile of clothes to pack away in the (delusional) hopes that I actually achieve pre-pregnancy size after the baby is born! But right now, with my belly so big and my hips so wide, that may be wishful thinking, I don't know. I've decided that if I don't fit my clothes ever again, I am going to put some stuff on eBay - a little money will make the taste of defeat a little easier to swallow.

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