Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Everything Old Is New Again...Or Not

I saw this DVD collection while working on my registry and got so excited! How cool to be able to share with my son the beauty of classic Sesame Street, the episodes that I grew up on. But then I had to ask myself if I would be doing my son a disservice, if it would be better to be progressive and just stay with what is going on now - Sesame Street stays current. Would my child be stuck in the past (and not even his past)? I was then reminded of when K and I shared DVDs of the first season of Electric Company with my stepsons. They were completely unimpressed and didn't think anything about it was funny, asking us, "Is this all you guys had?" which I have to admit was as humorous as it was humiliating. I wanted them so much to share the enjoyment I experienced as a kid watching Electric Company. I felt like a dinosaur. I guess times were just simpler then, it took a lot less to entertain us. In the end, I decided I'd take a chance - if my son doesn't enjoy these early episodes, at least I will.

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