Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pride and Groom

Yesterday afternoon ended up being my own personal primp and grooming session. I began by washing my hair - figured it could be a while before I have that luxury again. Then I grabbed the razor and got to shaving - I didn't think I'd be able to get my legs, but I managed with strategic placement and stretching over the tub. Then I clipped my toe nails - the thought of unkempt toes in the air as I am pushing in the hospital just disgusts me!! I was going to paint my toe nails, but then I realized that would mean nail polish remover at some point in the future, so I didn't bother. Then I moisturized with love and care. And I felt great. Except that my feet were pretty swollen, I couldn't really make out my inner ankles. And, when I got up to leave the bathroom, it felt as if I had done about 50 squats, which I attribute to having my legs crossed and stretching forward to shave my legs. I probably used muscles that I haven't used in months by doing something as simple as that, pretty scary.

Today we are going to get our picture taken by a photographer friend of K's. We have so few pics of us together while I am pregnant, so this will be cool. K also went yesterday to have our seat buckle fixed and they have to order a part!!! So, he has to go back tomorrow to get the part installed. I hope the baby can wait. I have a feeling that he is going to arrive late, I don't know why, but that's what I am feeling. Stay tuned!

1 comment:

Leigh said...

Steph, I'm so glad you guys are getting professional belly pics! You and the baby will cherish those always :) The ones we have from right before Jackson's birth are some of his favorite things in the house. He's always pointing to them and going "mama, dada". I always add that he's there too, just inside my tummy. The other day he looked at me in a confused way when I said that and then made the sign for eating. I guess that's how he figures he got in there, lol!

I'm so excited for you! You're on my mind all the time -- I'm sending lots of good vibes!
