Saturday, December 6, 2008

Labor Day 2

So, I guess I am still in labor - early labor I believe would be accurate. I am still having contractions but with no real regularity. Some are 20 minutes apart, some are 13, 17, really varied. And they are lasting longer and they feel more intense. However, I am not sure if they are more intense because they are stronger or because my resolve is whittling down. I just assumed that once contractions started, active labor was right around the corner and the show was on! Looks like I am in tech rehearsal, and I am just wondering how long this phase is going to last, with intense contractions every 20 minutes or so, all weekend? I didn't forsee having to deal with contractions over a course of days. I've told the baby that everything's okay, he can come out whenever he wants, no rush. What is cool is being able to apply some of the stuff that I learned in Lamaze class; it's the same gratification that I felt when I crash-reviewed my college Italian in 4 days and then immediately went to Italy where I was actually able to hold conversation and understand people. I've found that keeping my body forward makes everything more bearable - sitting backwards in a chair and leaning over the back, or being on all fours and leaning forward on the couch, leaning forward on my exercise ball. Also swaying, which looked absolutely ridiculous on the birthing films (called the "Slow Dance) is great, the swaying totally relieves my back. Okay, I just have to stop to say that this is so surreal that I am blogging during my "labor". I had to stop so that I could breathe through a contraction. Anyway, this is where I'm at. Stay tuned...


Leigh said...

Steph! Love you! It sounds like you're doing so great with all of your Lamaze techniques. The swaying is so helpful, right?!? I'm sure it is frustrating in some ways to be having a gradual start like this, but in a way it is wonderful that your body is giving you a chance to adjust as you go along. I love your analogy to crash-reviewing Italian :) I didn't have a fast labor either, and I have heard that they are not to be wished for! SO, keep up the good work, hang in there, and know that soooo many people are praying for you and sending you positive thoughts. You rock that you are blogging all this while having contractions, by the way! XOXO, Leigh

riki said...

Steph! After all your comments on Leigh's blog, I just now realized it was YOU!!! Hope you're doing great. Sending you, K & baby all the love in the world!