I am thoroughly enjoying the growth of my belly. I wear it as a badge of honor and I find myself passing over the recently purchased and neatly arranged L sized T-shirts in my dresser in favor of my shrinking selection of M sized shirts, so that there can be no mistaking that I am in fact pregnant. I have found a wonderful double use for my black hair elastics - they now keep my jeans closed. I looked in the mirror tonight and was astonished to see that my belly is not only growing rounder but also wider, and I am spilling out to the sides. And I keep telling myself this is only the beginning. I began to wonder what is going to happen to my muscles now that I am not performing - maybe I'll do very light-weight bicep curls to keep some kind of musculature, and perhaps I should start using the indoor treadmill (because today I walked Brooklyn outside in the early afternoon, and it felt like I was in a sauna!!). Or perhaps I should get myself prepared for a future of early mornings and get up and take nice walks outside when I wake up before it gets too hot. Uh, yeh, right, because I was such an exercise buff before the pregnancy (NOT). Eating ginger snaps on the couch in front of the TV is paradise right now. The last couple of days I've been so TIRED!! Not necessarily sleepy but just fatigued. Today all I did was sleep, me and Brooklyn, who by the way was licking my stomach the other day. It could have been residual ultrasound gel that I accidentally missed in the shower, but I like to think that she was kissing the baby. She stays by my side even more than before, and when she settles down next to me, she's been laying her head on my stomach. I know she knows there's a little person in there.
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