People ask me a lot about whether or not I've had strange cravings yet. I can't say I've had STRANGE cravings - I did delve into a tin of sardines around my 5th week, not so much because I was craving them, but they did sound good at the time, and I do like sardines, and maybe there was a part of me that wanted to fulfill the stereotype of the pregnancy palate. And I haven't wanted sardines since then. For two weeks early on, all I wanted was tomato sauce and cheese, hence my diet consisted of slices of pizza and bowls of pasta, with frightening regularity. And there was nothing better than a grilled cheese sandwich to keep the nausea at bay (I ate them everyday for maybe a month, sometimes twice a day). Then for a time, I just wanted rice and beans. This was also around the time that I swore off meat, just couldn't stand the idea of it. Next, I was really into hamburgers (got back into beef and turkey, still a little iffy about chicken to this day). Now I am really into enchiladas and tacos (and I could still wolf down a nice burger if you put it in front of me). The one constant in my food cravings has been cheese - I eat cheese, I am happy. I did go through a two week period of wanting sushi really badly. Pre-pregnancy, I wasn't a big "raw fish" sushi eater, I usually only ate eel sushi. But just to be safe, I've only eaten avocado sushi since being pregnant. There was also a strong craving for guacamole (thanks Xing Lao for your recipe, I've made it three times!!!). I did want Chicken Lo-Mein one night. See, I guess it isn't so much cravings for weird things, but some nights/days, I just know exactly what I want to eat, it will be specific, and usually something I'd enjoy whether I was pregnant or not. And I have to say, that is the most fulfilling dining experience, when you know what you want and then you get to indulge (mmm...like my Triple Caramel Ben & Jerry's Shake last month!). I am now craving macaroni and cheese and my friend has kindly offered to make it for me, TONIGHT!!! I get by with a little help from my friends!
For more pregnancy cartoons, organized by pregnancy week, go to baby-gaga.com
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