I am completely obsessed with this pregnancy and feel like I'm living in "waiting" mode - waiting for the day I get to meet my son in person. I'm like an addict trying to hang in there until my next fix, anxious for my next doctor's visit, or my next ultrasound, releasing an almost audible sigh of relief when my next visit is under a week's time. I have to remember that I am still me (well, a new version of me) and I still have to live, but I can't even concentrate on things I usually enjoy doing - reading novels, learning languages, practicing drums. I am reading my baby books more and more each day, watching baby programs on the TV (I am a little obsessed with "Jon & Kate Plus 8" on TLC). I know I should relish this personal time left to me before the baby arrives, but I guess, as I read in my new favorite pregnancy book, From The Hips (written by a fellow Vassar grad), I've already changed, this present time is no longer like the time before and won't be like the time ahead, so the idea that I should hold on to my past lifestyle so dearly and desperately before the baby has made his entrance into our glorious world is moot - my past lifestyle is already a "thing of the past" (hey, I'm not performing! That's a BIG change), life is in flux.
Going back to my aforementioned new favorite pregnancy book, From The Hips is a refreshingly candid collection of information and personal accounts regarding pregnancy and new parenthood that I am loving. An engaging read that validates the idea of pregnancy and parenting as completely individual ventures and what is right is what is right FOR YOU. Totally empowering. Check it out: From The Hips
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