Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Blog

Well, this marks my last official entry in my I Am Preggers blog, seeing as I am no longer pregnant. However, I have decided to start a new blog, Wild About Baby, at to continue sharing the journey right on into motherhood. No entries as of yet, I hardly have time to go to the bathroom. As it is, I have the baby at my breast and I am typing this with one hand. But do check in with the new blog, I will try to write whenever I get the chance! Thanks for joining me in my pregnancy journey!

P.S. The baby just leaked pee on me through his diaper. Yup, still working on my diapering technique.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Conclusion

Brooklyn comforting me during my contractions by snuggling in my lap, which she doesn't usually do.

So, to bring closure to this pregnancy journey, I continued to labor throughout the day on Saturday, December 6th. My contractions got more intense and longer, but were still far apart, about 15-20 minutes apart for the entire day, until early evening, when finally they became about 5 minutes apart. After almost throwing up, K and I decided it was time to head to the hospital. Triage checked me out, I was admitted. I opted for an epidural - after 2 days of laboring, I was exhausted and in a lot of pain, particularly in my back; despite my best efforts to relax completely during contractions, I realized late in the game that what I was doing instead was contracting all the muscles in my back to get through the contractions. After 2 days of doing this, my back was completely shot. They broke my water in the middle of the night and saw a bit of meconium (baby poo), which is common with babies who go a little over term - just means that extra attention in suctioning at birth is required to make sure the baby doesn't inhale any of the waste. By late morning, I stayed dilated at 7 cm (which also happened to my Mom), and I was given a 2 hour window to see if I would progress. In the end, our son was delivered by C-Section (like his Mom). K watched the entire procedure, he knows me inside and out, literally. It was completely surreal, and I had always been sure that I would break down and cry once the baby was delivered, after watching all those birthing shows, but it was just so wild, and I was so exhausted and a little out of it, I didn't cry. I just got very still and quiet - it was quiet awe and ecstasy. K and the baby went up to the nursery, I was wheeled back to my room, where I fell asleep until my son was brought back to me. And in that room, my husband, my son and I spent our first three days as a family! The hospital was great, all the nurses were very attentive, and the food wasn't bad, and I felt pampered, and the room was big and cozy, and there was a TV. Frankly, I was a little afraid to come home, because I knew the pampering would be over, and it would be time to step it up. But home we are, and it is nice to have our son home. And Brooklyn has really taken to our baby boy - as soon as she met him, she licked the back of his head! Any time he cries, she runs over to him, and just wants to lick him, his hands, his feet. She's a real sweetheart. And he's a real sweetheart. Our house is full of love!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Labor Day 2

So, I guess I am still in labor - early labor I believe would be accurate. I am still having contractions but with no real regularity. Some are 20 minutes apart, some are 13, 17, really varied. And they are lasting longer and they feel more intense. However, I am not sure if they are more intense because they are stronger or because my resolve is whittling down. I just assumed that once contractions started, active labor was right around the corner and the show was on! Looks like I am in tech rehearsal, and I am just wondering how long this phase is going to last, with intense contractions every 20 minutes or so, all weekend? I didn't forsee having to deal with contractions over a course of days. I've told the baby that everything's okay, he can come out whenever he wants, no rush. What is cool is being able to apply some of the stuff that I learned in Lamaze class; it's the same gratification that I felt when I crash-reviewed my college Italian in 4 days and then immediately went to Italy where I was actually able to hold conversation and understand people. I've found that keeping my body forward makes everything more bearable - sitting backwards in a chair and leaning over the back, or being on all fours and leaning forward on the couch, leaning forward on my exercise ball. Also swaying, which looked absolutely ridiculous on the birthing films (called the "Slow Dance) is great, the swaying totally relieves my back. Okay, I just have to stop to say that this is so surreal that I am blogging during my "labor". I had to stop so that I could breathe through a contraction. Anyway, this is where I'm at. Stay tuned...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Labor Day

So, yes, I have been in labor today - started late last night, with one big ache, then sporadic cramping and some light spotting. Went to "sleep" around 1:30 am and then at around 3 am, I had to get up and I started timing contractions and found that they were about 10 mins apart. Tried to get back to sleep, but contractions were coming more frequently. But they were short contractions, about 30 seconds long or so. Finally gave up on sleeping at around 5 am, K and I got up and got dressed and got some stuff together. K walked Brooklyn, who was whining when I would breathe through contractions (she sensed something going on) and I continued to time contractions, which were now coming together more frequently. And pretty much, the day consisted of me timing contractions, which were anywhere from 5 mins to 10 mins apart. My Lamaze teacher advised us to wait to go to the hospital until contractions are 4-5 minutes apart, 60 seconds long, and for at least an hour. K, Brooklyn and I walked the hallways outside our apartment, which helped keep contractions coming, and I ate some broth and toast because I was STARVING!! Brooklyn also tried to comfort me by snuggling her little body in my lap, which she doesn't usually do. At around noon, our friend EDB picked up Brooklyn to stay with her. By 1 pm I was able to settle down for a nap, and when I woke up at around 3 pm, my contractions had gotten pretty sparse. I decided I wanted to go to the hospital to see what was happening. They hooked me up to monitors in triage and gave me an internal exam, and basically, dilation was beginning, although just the beginning, and my contractions were only coming every 15 minutes or so. So, they sent me home. I just wanted to make sure the baby was okay, which he is. So, now I am home, baby will probably arrive sometime this weekend. Still having contractions every 20 minutes or so. I am ready for a nap!!! Stay tuned...

Labor of Love

I believe I am in labor! Looks like our son may arrive right on time!


Zero is the number of:

identical fingerprints

identical snowflakes

female American Presidents

days until my due date!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Toy Story

Brooklyn and the baby are going to be fighting over toys!!! And I guess I shouldn't be surprised; when dog toys consist of squeaky stuffed animals, how is a dog supposed to be able to differentiate between a dog stuffed animal toy and a human stuffed animal toy. I was putting a baby washcloth with a teddy bear rattle head in the wash and Brooklyn took one look at the teddy bear and starting doing high jumps to get her paws on it. She loved everything about it, the color, the sound, the fuzziness. Great!! I had to tell her "no" and then get one of her own toys - also with great color, sound and fuzziness. She grabbed her toy in her mouth, ran to the couch, and then put it down behind her and continued to stare with yearning at the bear head in my hand. This will be interesting. She is now, as I type, trying to get the slippers off of my feet, and for the same reason - when she was a puppy, I thought it was cute that she thought my fuzzy slippers were toys and I let her play with them, and so now she has claimed them as her own. Specifically this pair of slippers that I am trying to wash so I can take to the hospital. See, I can't blame her. I just hope I can get her to understand that some things are hers and somethings are the baby's! Wish me luck! (I write about Brooklyn a lot, don't I?).

Excitement of the Day

I went to Babies R Us yesterday afternoon to buy a humidifier. As I drove up and turned into a row to look for parking, I was all set to automatically drive right by the parking spaces up front because I assumed they were reserved for Handicapped Parking. But lo and behold, they were reserved especially for "Expectant Mothers"!! Man, I turned my car into one of those spots, completely proud and tickled with myself. It really was a great feeling. It's the small things in life.


One is the number of:

eyes on a Cyclops

wheels on a unicycle

lenses on a monocle

horns on a unicorn

rails on a monorail

days left until my due date!!

Photo and facts retrieved from website of Richard Phillips.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Buckle Up

Aw man, K just sent me a text (what is the past tense of the verb "text" anyway? "Texted"?!) saying that the new seat buckle for our car didn't arrive, even though K drove all the way out to the dealership for his appointment this morning (and he's not a morning person). They want him to come back tomorrow. Don't you think that they could have called him to tell him it didn't come in? What a drag! And now I'm bummed because that means another day until I can get the car seat properly installed on the passenger's side. So annoying! I guess if the baby comes tonight, I'll be driving home from the hospital (unless I have a C-section), I don't see how K's gonna fit in the driver's seat with the baby behind him! Maybe Xing can drive us all home. Okay, I'm gonna stay positive - the seat buckle will come in tomorrow, we'll get the buckle fixed, the car seat will get installed properly, the baby will arrive after the car is done. And if not, then that's just gearing me for the unexpected that comes along with parenting, right? Right? Hello?...ahem.

Picture Perfect

Yesterday K and I went to his friend's professional photography studio and had a photo shoot, which was really fun. We had very few pictures of us together to commemorate this special time in our life, so we are very thankful for this opportunity. The studio is called Cache Media Works, and K's friend and photographer is Joe Kennemore. Thanks Joe!


Two is the number of:

every animal in Noah's ark

witnesses required to validate a marriage

things in a pair

blades on a pair of scissors

hands on a clock or human


wheels on a bike

days left until my due date!!

Photo and many facts retrieved from website of Richard Phillips.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pride and Groom

Yesterday afternoon ended up being my own personal primp and grooming session. I began by washing my hair - figured it could be a while before I have that luxury again. Then I grabbed the razor and got to shaving - I didn't think I'd be able to get my legs, but I managed with strategic placement and stretching over the tub. Then I clipped my toe nails - the thought of unkempt toes in the air as I am pushing in the hospital just disgusts me!! I was going to paint my toe nails, but then I realized that would mean nail polish remover at some point in the future, so I didn't bother. Then I moisturized with love and care. And I felt great. Except that my feet were pretty swollen, I couldn't really make out my inner ankles. And, when I got up to leave the bathroom, it felt as if I had done about 50 squats, which I attribute to having my legs crossed and stretching forward to shave my legs. I probably used muscles that I haven't used in months by doing something as simple as that, pretty scary.

Today we are going to get our picture taken by a photographer friend of K's. We have so few pics of us together while I am pregnant, so this will be cool. K also went yesterday to have our seat buckle fixed and they have to order a part!!! So, he has to go back tomorrow to get the part installed. I hope the baby can wait. I have a feeling that he is going to arrive late, I don't know why, but that's what I am feeling. Stay tuned!


Three is the number of:

types of galaxies

stars in constellation Orion's belt

Laws of Robotics

types of volcanoes

Greek and Roman Fates

Greek Graces

heads of Cerberus

Wise Men

The Holy Trinity

R's (Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic)

notes in a triad


Blind Mice

Sisters (Chekhov)

Little Pigs


wheels on a tricycle

primary colors

days left until my due date!!

Photo retrieved from website of Richard Phillips

Monday, December 1, 2008

Reality Check

Okay, I just crossed off the last day in November on our wall calendar and ripped off the November sheet to display December and I got so nervous!! Excited but also a little freaked out about the labor that I am going to have to go through in a matter of DAYS. I know I am not alone, many women have done this before me, I know, I know, I keep telling myself. But now it is ME going through it - and I don't like pain, I really don't. I know it will be worth it to see my little boy finally, but WOW!! I was watching him move in my belly and thinking to myself he has to come out of me. I was reading that the head circumference of a baby is 11 1/2 centimeters, but the cervix only dilates as far as 10 centimeters. Ouch! The head molds to fit, but still. Looking at the calendar, it feels like it has taken FOREVER to get to December. I love that we are here, though! I am really excited. It is weird, I watch TV and see commercials for movies or TV shows and they'll say, "Watch it December 6th!" or "In theaters December 12th" or whatever, and I think to myself, the baby will be here then. So crazy!

Total digression, but Brooklyn has become a little diva - K and I were talking in the kitchen when our conversation was disrupted by the sound of scraping. We look to see Brooklyn tapping her paw against her ceramic water bowl and looking back at us, asking for more water. However, her bowl was filled with water. But no, that water had been sitting and was now warm, she can't drink that! She likes the cold water that comes straight from the fridge's water dispenser. She was in effect asking us to dump the warm water and fill it up with the cold fridge water. K couldn't believe it! He started telling her, "No, you better drink that water that's in your bowl!" And she protested with a huff and a little whine. So FUNNY! Funny until we move back East where most apartments don't come with fridges that dispense water! I may have to keep cold water for her in the fridge when we move back. Oh Great!!


Four is the number of:


phases of the moon

compass points


suits in a deck of cards

legs on Brooklyn

Tops (Motown)


wings on a bee

wisdom teeth, canine teeth and incisor teeth in a human mouth

Noble Truths in Buddhism

Gospels in The New Testament

days left until my due date!!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Laying Low

K's been fighting off a cold for what feels like a month, off and on. And now it looks like I have the start of a cold, which feels like horrible timing. But perhaps I can shake it before the baby arrives and be cold-free for a good stretch of time, so who knows about timing. I woke up this morning at about 7:30 and realized I had no voice, which freaked me out. I had this image of me in labor trying to communicate with nurses and the doctor and K and having to either sign everything out or write stuff down in between contractions because I wouldn't be able to talk. I was imagining the horror of my bout with tonsillitis about 12 years ago, which had me on three different antibiotics and in a lot of pain for about 4 weeks, no kidding. But then I calmed myself down, which I am starting to get the hang of, and told myself that I am not going to give into it and be proactive. I took a hot shower, and the warm moisture was divine. I rubbed down with some Vicks and sipped some hot water with lemon, wrapped myself up in a scarf and went back to sleep. And sure enough, at noon, I was feeling much better - I could talk again and it didn't hurt to swallow and my chest congestion was breaking up. I am going to lay low for the rest of the day, stay in bed, which will give me time to really make some headway in the baby blanket I've been knitting all month, and to catch up on my reading - Happiest Baby On The Block.


Five is the number of:


digits on one hand or one foot

Chinese elements

players on a basketball team on the court

vowels in the English alphabet (and sometimes "y")

traditional ingredients in punch (which means "five" in Hindi)

letters in my husband's first name

times a day of worship facing Mecca in Islam

rings in the Olympic symbol

Platonic Solids

petals on a wild rose

days left until my due date!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pregnant and Barefoot in the Kitchen

I actually am pregnant and I am barefoot and I am in the kitchen - how about that?! Just finished making a delicious dinner - well, we have yet to eat it, but I think it is going to be delicious! And this is a bit monumental for me because, as I've mentioned in a previous post, I don't cook that often. But I baked a few things for Thanksgiving and it really isn't that hard or time consuming, if you just prep properly (say that fast 3 times). At any rate, I think the baking may have started a little buzz and so I baked some more muffins this morning, because I was craving them. And now dinner. Just waiting for K to return from walking Brooklyn so we can chow down - I am starving.

Turns out that the iTunes mix I made for the hospital is working pretty well for me in these final days. I have used the mix in the past few days to listen to as I breathe quietly and chant in my new safe haven, the baby's closet (well, it's everyone's closet, but he's clearly taken over). I wish all pregnant women in the world a pregnancy free from the mental anxiety that I have voluntarily subjected myself to. I think I should have been just more diligent about making myself meditate. I am realizing that while I always think my compulsive worrying is out of my control, I do have a choice to actively stay positive and not worry. Hindsight is 20/20. I found a new mantra that's been working for me - "Be vigilant; protect your mind against negative thoughts" - Buddha. I found this quote in a picture book of cats with quotes on each page next to photos of adorable felines. When Cats Meditate is the name of the book and I bought it originally in NY, but Brooklyn chewed it up here in Vegas. I looked online to get another one and it is out of print. However, much to my delight, there it was right in the pet store last week (random!) and I think it was used. I bought it right away. And then I found the quote - so it's all kismet!

Joy Ride

K and I went to get our infant car seat installed, as is required by any hospital before taking a newborn home. And technically, the car seat is installed, so we are good. However, it is installed on K's side which forces the driver's seat to sit pushed way up. And with K's long legs, it's just not going to be comfortable. It's ridiculous, even a bit humorous. And it is installed on K's side because we discovered, as the technician was trying do his installation, that the seat belt for the seat behind the passenger's seat doesn't work! And this sounds familiar to me now, I remember discovering this some months back - how, I don't remember - and thinking to myself, "We've GOT TO get that fixed!" Well, no kidding! So now we have an early morning appointment on Monday to get the seat belt fixed, and then we will install the car seat, following the technician's directions, behind the passenger's seat. I just hope the baby can wait until everything is all set!!


Six is the number of:

strings on a guitar

points on a Star of David

points received in a touchdown

degrees of separation

faces on a cube

legs on a fly, a moth, an ant, a beetle, or a wasp

feet in a fathom

players on a volleyball or ice hockey team

wives of King Henry VIII

days until my due date!!

Friday, November 28, 2008


Seven is the number of:

ancient wonders of the world

deadly sins

days in a week

Sister schools

dwarves in the story of Snow White

ingredients in 7UP

players on a water polo team

Gods of Luck in Japanese Mythology

years it takes for the body to regenerate its cells

colors in a rainbow

days left until my due date!!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

A Little Cuckoo

I think nesting has begun in earnest - I was all prepped to take a nap yesterday, but instead I found it necessary to tackle tasks that I've been putting off. Paperwork and laundry, mostly, dishes, garbage control. Is it a sign that labor is close? We'll see...


Eight is the number of:

bits in a byte

vegetables in V8 juice

legs on a spider and scorpion

tentacles on an octopus

pawns on each side in Chess

ounces in a cup

planets in our Solar System (if you don't count Pluto)

known B vitamins

corners on a cube

white piano keys in an octave

days left until my due date!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Nine (My Favorite Number!!)

Nine is the number of:

letters in my first name

letters in my married surname

the date of the day on which I was born

the floor I grew up on

judges on the United States Supreme Court

innings in a baseball game

players in baseball batting lineup

members in the Fellowship of the Ring (Lord of The Rings)

monks in important Buddhist rituals

planets in the Solar System (if you still count Pluto)

lives a cat has

Beethoven symphonies

days until my due date!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Getting Ready

Went to doctor today and he checked my cervix and it is not dilated yet! I am wondering now if I am going to be early - I used to think I would be, but now I am thinking maybe not, maybe I'll be closer to my due date or even late. We'll see. Took Brooklyn to the vet for a final check up to make sure she's all set before we bring a baby home - Brooklyn is great, just had to get her ear hair clipped. Met with another pediatrician and I really liked her; I also liked the other pediatrician I met with, so now not sure who we will go with. At least it is a choice between two that I like. Went through my music on iTunes and set up a birthing playlist for when I am in the hospital. It was a suggestion, finding tunes that relax me, but I don't know that I'll be in the mood to be listening to music, I don't know. I also plan to get some DVDs together too, but again, I can't wrap my head around watching movies, I don't know. It may be comforting, the way it was during the first trimester. I am very excited!


Ten is the number of:

legs on a lobster, crab, or shrimp

fingers on two hands

toes on two feet

dimes in a dollar

pins in a bowling alley


years in a decade

players on a men's lacrosse team

souls a human possesses according to Chinese tradition

centimeters of a fully dilated cervix

days until my due date!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Monday, November 24, 2008


Eleven is the number of:

players on a cricket, soccer or American football team on the field

years in a solar or sunspot cycle

years it took to build the World Trade Center

flowers on an English Easter cake

the most Oscar awards given to a film (Titanic and Ben-Hur)

letters in the name of my favorite city, New York City

times the hour and the minute hands on a clock cross each other in a 12-hour period

days left until my due date!

The birth is becoming more of a reality as we near the "due date" - although I am in the "any day now" period, which lasts for the next three weeks or so (depending on if the baby arrives early or late). I am really tired and could sleep for an enormous length of time if left to it. I am afraid of getting cabin fever if I stay in too much right now, especially knowing that I will be settled into the apartment for a while after the baby is here (but I will be busy, so I may not notice that much). I drag myself into work just for the social stimulation, but honestly, it is so tiring traveling. I do get out when I walk Brooklyn, but K's been good about walking her for me as well when I just don't want to move. Physically I am feeling good, no aches to really complain about, although sometimes it does feel like my pelvis is splitting and that aches. But nothing to write home about. Baby preparations are almost completed - I should get some bottles. And now it is time for a nap!

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Twelve is the number of:

people on a jury


months in a year

hours in the face of an analog clock

signs in the Zodiac

inches in a foot

old pennies in a shilling

eggs in a dozen

years I've known my dear friend Xing

days until my due date!!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Thirteen is the number of:

cards in a single suit of playing cards

loaves in a baker's dozen

players on a rugby team

people at the Last Supper

people ideally in a coven

months in a lunar calendar

letters in my first and middle names combined

years that I've known my husband K

days until my due date!

Photo and many facts retrieved from the website of Richard Phillips.

Sleepless in Las Vegas

For some reason, I cannot go to sleep. I haven't actually gone to bed and tried, but somehow I am just restless. I can feel that I am tired, but it is almost 5 AM and I just feel like I can't quiet my mind. And I couldn't even tell you what's on my mind - excitement, exhaustion. I wish I could focus enough to meditate or practice breathing exercises, but lately I haven't felt that I can settle enough to focus my mind on anything. Except Solitaire - I play it nightly on my cell phone and it is the only thing that quiets and focuses my mind. When I am up at these strange hours, I always find some obscure movie on cable. Tonight (or I guess technically, today) it is Niagra starring Marilyn Monroe and Joseph Cotten. Marilyn really was quite stunning. I am watching Marilyn and everyone else is asleep - K is snoring on the couch while Brooklyn is asleep on the back of the couch. The baby just kicked, he's keeping me company!

Monday, November 17, 2008

Keeping Busy

K and I finally got the baby's dresser assembled - it was WAY MORE involved than I thought it was going to be, but I actually enjoy assembling furniture, so I enjoyed the process and felt complete gratification once the dresser was standing in its new home in our walk-in closet. I also assembled the bassinet (thanks TA, DS & SS!), and it is just precious. Just a little more to assemble and we are set. I put away all the baby clothes, and the closet is really starting to look like Baby Central. Bouncers are powered and ready to go, and Brooklyn is fascinated (or horrified, I can't tell) by the noise the bouncers make, so I have to make sure to play it at least once a day so she will be used to it. My Mother is obsessed with the name Etienne (while a pretty, French name, and in keeping with my love of French, we are not naming the baby Etienne). She cracks me up!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Coming Together

I've washed all the baby clothes we have received, and looking at the collection, I was overwhelmed by everyone's generosity and support - I feel like we are truly sharing this momentous event with everyone, which is just beautiful. THANK YOU!!! It's been very chilly at night, so I've been a little obsessed with making sure the baby will have warm digs for when he comes home and for his first months of life out of the womb. I started to hang up his collection of sweaters and outerwear, and it just looks so cute in the closet, so small. I am just beside myself! I also put together his Rainforest Bouncer; I love doing that stuff. It's really coming together. Today, however, I am really tired, so I am going to listen to my body and nap it out, leave the screwdriver for another day.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Home Stretch

9 months! I am so excited!

Puppy Love

A few weeks back, K and I returned home to be greeted enthusiastically by our dog, Brooklyn. As she was running to me, front paws wailing in the air, her hind legs slipped from underneath her and she managed to catch herself by sitting down like a little person and then hopping up to rest her front paws on my knees/thighs, now standing up like a little person. And I think she was a little startled by her slip and I comforted her and pet her and she stayed like this for about 2 minutes straight. She's needing all kinds of love these days; she may be sensing a change around the bend.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Can

My son will spend his very first years under a Black US president. This will be his "normal" and it won't occur to him to think that this is unusual. If he ever thinks to himself, "When I grow up, I want to be President," he will see the face of a Black man and know that being President of the USA is a completely viable aspiration for him. Tonight, as President-Elect Obama gave his speech, I couldn't help but think of all the people who gave their lives over the past century so that tonight could be a reality, a reality for all of us, a reality for our children; God bless them. God bless us all.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Winding Down (Or Up)

So, our pregnancy classes are officially over, and here we are in the month of November, which means that I have one month left until my due date. And I am ecstatic and still can't even believe it, it still feels a bit surreal. K's and my life (and Brooklyn's) is about to change enormously!! I've made some headway in my preparations around the house - still lots to do, but they don't feel as insurmountable as before. If we could find our Phillips Screwdriver, that would be sweet! Oh well, guess it's off to Target or CVS or somewhere. Anyway, we are going to have the baby sleep in our room (thanks TAS for the bassinet!) and I've made space in our huge walk-in closet that we barely enter for a dresser for his clothes and as a possible changing station (although it does occur to me that having the stench of dirty diapers lingering in the closet may not be ideal). I've been trying to neaten up the closet in my office/guest room, which looks like it may end up being the baby toy room - I don't know that we'll spend a lot of time actually in there, but for now, it's where the baby gear will live (bouncer, swing, books). I did have an image of me reading to the baby in there, maybe it can be our reading room.

I was planning to leave the artistic fun until I got the manual, physical work done, but I just couldn't help myself, so I bought balls of yarn and started practicing my knitting. I am going to knit the baby a blanket (pretty straight forward for a beginner). I still have to paint my belly cast. I have an idea for it, but perhaps if I don't get it done before the baby arrives, he will inspire a different design idea for it once he is here. And that's about it for now.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

La Fin de Lamaze

Last night was our final Lamaze class. It was a fun vibe, we started by watching a short movie featuring several vignettes of women breathing through labor pains over a new-age soundtrack laced with narration by a jovial female. Then we practiced pushing, which I am sad to say I was horrible at - I couldn't locate the correct muscles to push, particularly with so much baby in the way. We were to engage our stomach muscles, but I haven't been in touch with those since the baby took up residence in there, it was just really confusing and disappointing. Then we learned the pushing breathing pattern, which involves making a buzzing noise through almost closed lips as you exhale; again complete failure. I couldn't make the noise to save my life. So there I am, hunched over trying to locate the muscles to push down, floundering with my buzz-less exhalations which are making me feel like I'm going to pass out, and trying to focus on the inhalation and exhalation pattern as K is coaching me to relax and I just felt completely overwhelmed and incompetent, not such a good feeling to have so close to delivery. I tried not to let it get me down, and K knows me so well, he came right in with encouragement and told me that he thinks my labor is going to go quickly, detecting the wheels of defeat starting to spin in my head. We then continued a full review of the entire stages of labor and correct breathing responses. I redeemed myself by answering the most questions about transitional labor to the class' amazement (the most painful part of labor, right before you are fully dilated and ready to push), so I felt a little bit better - but then again, they aren't going to be conducting a quiz in the labor room. I just hope that once I am in labor, it will be obvious and natural what muscles I need to push, because the need to push will be there. And as for the buzz breathing, I've never seen anyone do it in any of the footage I've seen of labor, so maybe it's okay that I can't buzz (although the instructor did say that if you don't make the buzzing noise when you exhale, you can develop broken capillaries in the face and hemorrhoids). But in all honesty, I left the class feeling like natural childbirth may be beyond me (this is just how I felt) - I hate failing and I hate feeling incompetent, always have, and maybe I should just grab the epidural and cut down the odds of beating myself up, which can't be helpful when delivering. Or maybe I should just buck up and practice more - I tend to think, erroneously, that I should be able to get everything right on the first try! I guess the consolation is that in a little over 5 weeks, I'll be in labor and the anticipation, the guessing, the unknown will be over.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Poladroid Madness

My friend mentions this Poladroid site on her blog Marvelous Kiddo and it sounded like so much fun, I had to check it out, and you should too. On this site, you can download the FREE Poladroid Software which allows you to convert your digital photos into Polaroid simulations (i.e. "polaDROIDS")! It is addictive and fun, as you can see. Again, completely unrelated to pregnancy, but I had to include it just for kicks!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


I am so excited because two days ago, K and I found a wonderful, comfy reclining armchair that also rocks - which is exactly what I wanted for baby feedings! I was told by my parent friends that a comfortable chair is an important and worthy new-baby purchase - there are many things that you don't necessarily need, but the chair is a good buy. The best thing about the purchase is that K and I were able to use a store credit that we had been saving up for over a year from when we moved into our current apartment. So the chair was bought at a ridiculously reduced price! Hooray!

I've been feeling really anxious the past day or two because there are a little less than 6 weeks left until my due date and still so much I want to get done. It won't take long to get it done, but it still occupies my mind. The good thing is that the past two days, I've been feeling less fatigued, so perhaps that will help.

Friday, October 24, 2008

It's A Baby Shower

Yesterday was our Baby Shower, and it was absolutely WONDERFUL!!! Thank you so much EDB for your amazing planning, hosting and execution - we had a blast. Thank you LW for all your help as well. And really, thank you everyone for your love and support and presence and presents and for sharing in our special day!! There was amazing food, fun games with prizes ("Guess The Belly Circumference", "Name That Tune"), a onesie and bib painting station, dogs playing (Brooklyn was POOPED by the end!), adorable kids, and just a chill family vibe. The walls were decorated with pictures of me taken by our host from the time I was about 8 weeks pregnant up until the present - so wild to see the transformation. And I laugh at the weeks where I thought I was big! Little did I know how much bigger I'd get. Yes, a wonderful time was truly had by all!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

La More Lamaze

K and I finished our third class of Lamaze - one more to go. We practiced different breathing techniques, different positions to combat back pain during labor, and learned more about what we may encounter from labor to delivery and beyond. It is a little hard to keep my head and attention about me, I am just so excited, and there is just so much information to absorb. Especially after taking so many classes back to back. There is some crossover of information, which helps to reinforce some points, but still, it is a lot. And I don't know how much I'll remember when the time comes; I don't think I'll be pulling out my notes during contractions! I am sure that natural instinct will kick in and my memory will squeeze out facts that I didn't realize I had retained. I just get nervous that once I am labor and I am trying to breathe and remember the patterns, that it will be too overwhelming and I'll throw it all out the window and not be able to focus, what with both the pain and excitement. I hope I can keep my wits about me to just stay in control and concentrate.

Preparatory Measures

Lately my head has been swarmed with so many things that I would like to accomplish before the baby arrives, and it is overwhelming. The things separately aren't too taxing, but the accumulative effect feels daunting. So, I had to get everything out of my head and onto paper, so that I can keep a grasp and actually check things off as they get accomplished.

One of my "projects" is to gather necessary baby items that will be needed in those early days - diapers, ointment, baby oil, nasal syringe, pacifiers, etc. And it was so surreal being in the baby aisle in the store and knowing that I was buying these things for MY baby. I've only been in that aisle on my way elsewhere. It was really a defining moment.

I stepped up my Brooklyn prep a bit yesterday. I downloaded more baby sounds (not just crying) and played them all on a loop for hours so that we could both get used to them. And I continued to watch TV over the crying, since I imagine that there will be other noise in the house when the baby cries, just so Brooklyn can get an idea of what to expect. She seemed fine. I then held a towel wrapped up in a shirt to simulate a baby and walked around all night holding it. I packed the end of the shirt in a newborn-sized diaper (I couldn't believe how small and cute the diaper is), and I rubbed baby lotion all over the diaper, so that Brooklyn can start getting used to the smell. I also rubbed baby oil on me for scenting purposes. What did Brooklyn think? She LICKED the diaper and me - great, Brooklyn is going to be licking the baby! I also reviewed commands with her. She's not good at "OFF", not sure how to get that one solid in the next 6 weeks. Everything else she was pretty good at.

My belly cast sits waiting for attention - another "project" waiting to be fulfilled. When all is said and done, it will get done. And if it doesn't, I don't think the baby will mind!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Vote For Brooklyn

I know this has nothing to do with my pregnancy, but I just entered Brooklyn in a photo contest and if you click on the photo below, I believe you will be redirected to the site where you can vote for her. I don't even know what the prize is!! Oh, man, if I am like this with my dog, just imagine what my son has in store!!

Please vote for Brooklyn at The 4th Annual World’s Coolest Dog & Cat Show

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Husband Of The Year

I just wanted to take a moment to publicly appreciate my husband. He has been so supportive and so kind - and the moment I want to particularly highlight is when, a couple of nights ago, he massaged and lotioned up my feet and then proceeded to cut my toe nails! Which is going the extra mile folks, because I hadn't been able to reach my toe nails for a couple of weeks now. It was getting to the point where you couldn't tell who was walking on the wood floor in the living room, me or Brooklyn! What a guy! I love you K!

Baby Basics

K and I took our last Saturday morning class (hooray!) yesterday, called Baby Basics. It was taught by the same instructor of our Infant CPR class, 79 year-young RN, Shirley. And I just love this woman! She was so down to earth and amusing, and amused too - you can tell she loves what she does. And it is just so cool to get the perspective of someone who came from a time when information wasn't as readily available as it is now (sometimes too much info if you ask me) and so new mothers really had to rely on maternal instinct and common sense. You feel like she is part of a frontline of mothers who can then pass on their experiences to us. And I did learn a lot. Poor K was SO EXHAUSTED, he was trying to keep his eyes open, and unfortunately, because we were late (surprise, surprise - only 4 mins), we ended up having to sit up front and center. With our record of lateness, I wouldn't be surprised if, as a joke, our son came early (but not too early)!! Or maybe he'll take after his parents and come late (not too late)!!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Belly Love

8 months (32 1/2 weeks).

Lamaze Continued

K and I had our second Lamaze class yesterday, and I felt much better about it than I did the first week. I was a little more relaxed (although more exhausted) and the general energy in the room was a little more upbeat. We came in (a little late AGAIN) during an exercise in which we all had stickers put on our backs with a pregnancy related word, and our partner was allowed to see the word, and then we had to figure out what the word was by asking our partner questions about the word. I couldn't guess my word until K told me to think about birds ("nesting"). K was a wonderful partner again as we breathed through exercises and learned different relaxation positions. We had to bring a focal point for concentration during breathing and I brought one of the 4D ultrasounds of the baby, which made me very excited. And there was a cool exercise where our partner had to simulate the pain of a contraction by grabbing our thigh right above our knee as hard as he/she could while we were doing our breathing and exhalations. Once we finished that simulation exercise, the teacher asked our partners to squeeze our thighs as hard as he/she was during the simulation, and it was amazing how much more it hurt after the exercise, when we weren't concentrating on breathing, than it did during the simulation. It was her way of showing us how focused breathing and relaxation lessens the pain. I was sold. I've started reading The Official Lamaze Guide, which so far is really interesting. The intro tells of how pregnancy shifted from the home to hospitals, and how midwives (many of whom were ethnic minorities) and home births were demonized and how the more wealthy went to hospitals dominated mostly by males. That's about as far as I got. More to come...

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Breathe And Relax

Yesterday, K and I took a marathon, 8-hour class entitled Prepared Childbirth. The instructor was great, upbeat, funny, honest, which helped because about 2 hours in, K and I were both ready to take a nap. It was truly a struggle to keep my eyes open during the afternoon portion, after lunch. The class took us through labor step-by-step from the house to the hospital and all the way to purchasing car seats. We also did some breathing and relaxation exercises. I see a theme developing among all these classes: BREATHE AND RELAX. I guess that's the key.

Friday, October 10, 2008

You Make Me Feel Like A Natural Woman

So, this evening, I ventured alone (because K had to work) to a Natural Childbirth class. I wanted to go specifically to arm myself with as many birthing options as possible, to learn about the full spectrum of pain management, so that I can feel as prepared as I possibly can be going into the unknown of labor. I had to take a highway that I don't often take, let alone by myself, and get off in an area of town that I was completely unfamiliar with, and I DID IT!!! What a difference from when I first moved out here. But I digress...

So, the class was designed by and scheduled to be taught by a doula who, unfortunately for us, was called to a birth. So we had a substitute teacher, another certified doula, although she doesn't practice anymore, who also is a lactation specialist. And she was pleasant enough, even humorously entertaining at times, and pretty sweet. However, it was clear that she was filling in, as she was zipping through the slides and reading from a syllabus. At one point she even exclaimed as she was looking at a slide, "I don't know what that is! Oh, maybe it is this in here," which is fine, and even endearing, but it made me wonder if we were getting the full deal that we had registered and paid for. And it bothered me that she preferred to use the words "poopy" and "potty" in a squeaky voice, rather than using adult words in adult tones. I'm thinking, here we are talking about pushing a human baby through our body, no need to airbrush anything. There was one point in the class when I got really anxious and really antsy, a little like at the Lamaze class, and I'm not sure if it was an internal emotional reaction, or completely external on account of the room being too toasty and me being really tired. But I caught a second wind. Since I was alone, she pulled me up out of my seat during the physical exercise demonstration portion of class and told me that she was going to be my partner. And we went through some of the exercises designed to help one relax as much as one can during labor. She even asked if I meditate regularly because I was so concentrated on my breathing - that made me feel better (I guess I am a glutton for praise - maybe I'm feeling vulnerable). And I have to say that after the class, the pain of labor and the concept of managing it without medication doesn't seem as foreign and devastating as it did to me before the class. But, as I've said before, I am going to just stay open and see how it all goes, try to stay in the moment, and just go from there.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

40 Years Young

Today I turned 40! And you know feels GREAT! And it was a wonderful birthday filled with so much love from EVERYONE - my wonderful husband, wonderful family, wonderful friends, wonderful dog. And to be able to share my 40th with my wonderful baby boy in my womb, a blessing - I am truly blessed all around! I am very happy and very grateful!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Casting Session

K and I did my belly cast today! Hooray! It was lots of fun, especially for me since all I had to do was sit there; K did all the casting work. It was a nice way to share in something special, something that will commemorate this special time in our life together. And I cannot wait to paint and decorate it!! Not sure yet what I am going to do, I am going to sketch out a few ideas and just see what sticks.

Lamaze Lament

K and I have just returned from our first Lamaze class and I am sitting here on the couch, eating some Chipotle while K is out walking Brooklyn, and I am crying, not full out sobbing, but welling up!! And I don't even know why! I don't know what in the world it was about the class that has changed my mood so drastically, but I am just a bit of an emotional wreck. The class was fine, a little crowded for the size of the room, which was a little hot and stuffy, but for some reason, I am feeling uptight. We did some exercises and during one, the teacher kept telling me to relax my shoulders, but after doing the show for so long, my shoulders don't really relax all that much, and that made me upset a little. During another exercise, we had to lie down on our backs, not for long since it isn't recommended during pregnancy, but it hurt my back to lie like that, and it was a relaxation exercise, so it was a little hard to relax when I was in pain, but then isn't that the point? My chest is a bit tight these days, so my breaths weren't as deep as they could have been. I don't know, I think I am a bit disappointed in my performance, I think that's what is going on. Which is silly, since K kept telling me afterwards that I did a great job! He was great, totally supportive and reassuring me throughout the class. Maybe the class has made the upcoming delivery all the more real and I am owning up to the fact that I am really anxious about the pain and that I am not even sure that I will be able to keep my composure and state of mind well enough to remember to do all the breaths and relaxation techniques. There is a part of me that just wants to go into the hospital and be taken care of, let them do all the work, just let me know when the baby is here, okay? I know that's not possible or realistic, but the way my brain works, I sometimes feel like the less I know, the better for me, because I will drive myself crazy with "what ifs" and completely unnecessary worry. However, I am going to stick with it, stay positive and strong, it could just be that I am really tired tonight and hormonal. There were two young couples next to us who just kept talking and cracking jokes under their breaths and it was so annoying, High School Musical. But I didn't say anything, because I didn't want to be that older, cranky woman scolding them, nothing wrong with having fun during class, I guess. We'll probably find alternative seating next week. Tune in for next week's class...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Hokey Pokey

I was sitting in the car yesterday, K and I on our way to work, and I don't remember exactly why I was was touching my stomach, maybe to scratch it, but I felt a hard bump jut out and then disappear into my tummy. And then it poked my hand again and then snuck back in under the surface. It was the wildest thing, because it was the first time that I could actually feel the baby from the outside. I don't know if it was a foot or an arm, but it was the first moment of tangible contact. And it was thrilling!!!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Baby Breaths

Over the weekend, K and I officially began our pregnancy instruction with a two-hour class on Infant CPR, which was so informative. It took us forever to find the correct building - since the pregnancy, my attention to detail, particularly when traveling, has been slightly impaired, and all I had was an address for the building but no name of the building and no number to call. We wandered around the hospital halls for at least 10 minutes before being redirected to a building across the street. Once we parked at the correct building, we couldn't find the correct entrance to the building!! YIKES! Finally, we arrived in the classroom 15 minutes late, with about 7 other couples and a friendly, white-haired female instructor greeting us.

The instructor was 79 year-old nurse, Shirley. She was a wonderful instructor. I took great comfort in her no-nonsense approach and her candid recollections of motherhood over the course of almost 60 years. There was something reassuring about getting motherhood tips and anecdotes from an older woman, a great-grandmother at that. She talked about things that she did with her children that aren't done today anymore, because in her days of parenting, less was known - sleeping the babies on their stomachs, how her kids fell out of the cribs, etc. And yet, her children are all fine. That calmed me down some, because I tell you, first-time pregnancy comes with so many rules about what not to do, what not to eat, it just gets me so razzled sometimes. It takes me so long to prepare a meal because I am not sure if I can eat something, not to mention how badly my OCD has kicked in.

The class was great at giving us an increased sense of having some control in a bad situation. It was also a little scary, because you don't want to be in a situation where you need to use CPR on ANYONE, really. But still, having the basic know-how of what to do is reassuring. We had the fake babies (they should make them multi-racial!) with plastic wrap around their mouths, so as not to spread germs among the hundreds of parents-to-be who've rescued the little plastic victims. We had to learn compression points, how to compress the chest properly so that the heart squeezes against the spine, forcing oxygenated blood to the brain and back to the heart, we learned how to give the baby rescue breaths. We learned what to do when the baby is choking (the CPR is if the baby is unconscious). Shirley choked when she was 7 years old, and 72 years later, the event still traumatizes her. This is also why when she was a new mother, she never put her babies on their back, because she was afraid of them choking. She admits that experts still don't know exactly what causes SIDS, but that when studies were conducted among countries where it is customary for babies to sleep on their backs, the incidences of SIDS were much less than they are in the US. They also can tell now, by looking at the brain post-mortum, if an infant death is caused by suffocation or by SIDS; apparently the effect on the brain is different. However, more than that is unknown.

We snacked on chocolate cookies with bright orange filling, to bring in the Halloween spirit, in between rounds of practice resuscitation. It was a great class and the two hours (well more like 90 minutes since we arrived late and class ended a little early) went by very quickly. I would recommend CPR class for everyone, pregnant or not, and all types of CPR: Infant, Children, and Adult (apparently, the infant CPR techinique is only for babies up to 1 year old).

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Face Lift

So, as you can see, I've updated my blog background, thanks to a great site, "The Cutest Blog on the Block", that I found on a great blog, "w/ Love, Sincerely", that I found on my friend's great blog, "Marvelous Kiddo". Check out the "Cutest Blog on the Block" for adorable, FREE blog backgrounds! (I believe there's also a link in the upper left corner of my background now). I've also added a photo slideshow widget to show my tummy growth (my friend DB has a more extensive tummy photo timeline and Xing has the nose photo timeline, thank you both). The slideshow is courtesy of (thank you LPA for the knowledge!!). Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Body Update

So, lately my stomach feels like it actually touches my chin. Okay, not actually, but I am feeling fuller up higher than I remember, and it feels like my boobs are resting against the top of my belly now (just about). My friend noticed that my stomach does look higher. I haven't experienced magnanimous breast growth, as I was warned - and secretly hoped for : ). They are a bit bigger, but nothing to write home about. I am enjoying the baby's movements, which are more visible now from the outside - last night it looked like my whole stomach did a whirly gig. A good night's sleep seems to evade me, which is probably part of Mother Nature's plan to get me prepared for interrupted sleep when the baby arrives. It is just not that comfortable to sleep these days, and I toss from one side to the other - well, not really toss, more like roll, slowly, with the stomach weight. For some reason, sleeping on my left side, which is the most recommended side for pregnancy slumber, causes a cramp right under my left ribs, and sleeping on my right side causes my calves and my hip to seize up. Last night the baby woke me up with his kicking, and I think it was because I was pressing up against him on my belly, maybe I was too far forward and more on my belly than my side, I don't know, it's hard to control sleeping positions when you are asleep! I cannot even believe that I am two months away, give or take, from meeting my son! And there's still so much to do!!! LOL!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Word Play

I don't think it is by any mistake that the word "prenatal" can be rearranged to spell "parental" (Xing, stop saying, "WEIRDO!"). Obviously too much time on my hands (or in my head).

Fly Me To The Moon

My pregnancy has made me delectable to flies!!! They seem to be immediately attracted to me, I am embarrassed to say! And it's not just when I am out and about. I was in Target not too long ago and I don't even know where the fly came from, perhaps he/she was shopping too, but lo and behold there was the fly zipping around my arms and following me throughout the entire store! It was so annoying and off-putting (I don't want passersby to think I'm dirty!). Yesterday, I was leaving the doctor's office and a fly followed me into the car! It's gotta be the pregnancy hormones boosting my pheromones (or I need to double up on the showers!).

Monday, September 29, 2008

In The Clear

Got my glucose tolerance testing results back and I do not have gestational diabetes. Hooray! I am still going to watch my sugar intake, however, which I should do anyway, regardless of diabetes - just being considered for the 3 hour testing concerned me. And I should still walk on the treadmill - my favorite past-time ever! But right now, I am about to enjoy a plate of pumpkin pancakes. Yum.

Head Of The Class

As if children's learning wasn't competitive enough, now they have a "prenatal learning system" called Baby Plus, that even Oprah featured on her own website (so it's GOTTA BE GOOD!!!). You use it from weeks 18-32, and I have to admit that the desire to do the very best for my child did have me consider purchasing this for about a minute or so, but then again, I am already past 30 weeks, apparently the system would only serve me for one 1/2 more weeks...and then I couldn't help but hear my gut scream that perhaps this is just pushing it a bit. Children have plenty of challenges and learning opportunities ahead outside of the womb, perhaps we should let them just relax and grow at their own pace in the womb. Perhaps? I don't know. If it were earlier in my pregnancy, I could see myself trying it (and K laughing his butt off at me), and only, again, because it appeals to every mother's desire to feel that she is doing the best for her child, that she is equipping him/her with the best to do well in the world. But still...what do you think? Check it out here at

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Belly Laugh

29 weeks and 6 days! Peace! (Thanks MOS for the top, I love it!)

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Making Lemonade

What a morning! Or rather, what a string of mornings! Yesterday morning, after fasting for nearly 12 hours, I went to get my 3-hour glucose tolerance testing done. I had made an appointment online to cut down any waiting time, and my OB's nurse had already called the order in. After waiting only 15 minutes, I was called into the back, where I was poked in the arm with a needle, blood was drawn, and then I was instructed to drink an orange, syrupy-sweet drink (which I did in 60 seconds flat). I then waited for the restroom - only one of the two bathrooms were working in the whole place - and as I was waiting, I heard bits of a conversation between a female lab technician and the man who took my blood that went something like this, "There was an error in the order. You have to let her know that she'll have to do the test over." I was praying I wasn't "her" but sure enough, I was. For whatever reason, the order for my test came in incorrectly, and they followed the order and gave me the wrong glucose drink. It wasn't until afterwards that the female lab tech caught the error. Unfortunately, the drink is very specific to the testing, and because I had already had the wrong drink, which would take 24 hours to leave my system, I had to come back the next day (today) and take the test all over again. SO DISAPPOINTING!!! But, ok, whatever, I got over it after about 20 minutes and came home and ATE, I was starving!

This morning, after fasting again for 11-12 hours, I got up, got dressed, walked Brooklyn, and checked my email. And I guess I was just on autopilot and STARVING, so without even thinking about it, I dove into a bag of tortilla chips and ate about 5 chips, then went back to my computer. About 3 minutes later, the gravity of what I had just done sank in...I ATE TORTILLA CHIPS!!! I WAS FASTING!!! I had an hour before my test and I blew it. I ran into K's studio and told him in horror that I ate tortilla chips and then just broke down into a crying fit that would rival a 2 year-old's worst tantrum. K kept trying to calm me down, but I felt so STUPID! I had forgotten all about my fast and all I knew was that I was hungry. This meant I would have to delay my testing yet another day, and I SO want to know whether or not I have developed gestational diabetes!!!

So, after about 45 minutes, I was calm enough to remember that yesterday I was lamenting the fact that I would miss my prenatal yoga class today because of testing. Now that the testing was botched, I could go and try it out. I got myself together, decided to turn the day around, and drove myself, yoga mat, towel and water bottle in tow, to the yoga class. And let me say, I had a WONDERFUL time. It was very relaxing, but there was also some workout to it, nothing too intensive, but when you've been pretty immobile for the past 3 months or so, you definitely feel the difference. My muscles are so tight, but it was nice to stretch. The baby moved quite a bit, I think he was doing some of the poses too. I was still feeling cautious about doing some poses - not wanting to push too hard after not exercising for a bit - so I didn't do anything I wasn't ready to do. There were only 3 of us in class, so it was an intimate setting, and the whole place is very welcoming and has a nice spirit about it. I'm glad I found it, and it is relatively close to me (about 15 minutes of driving). It completely changed my mood around! And as a bonus to the day: I modified my mobile plan with Sprint and got a $200 credit to my account!! Now that's a good day!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

A Scanner Lightly

This evening, K and I went to Babies R Us and finished up our registry, scanner in hand. It was really fun to be there with K, picking out things for the baby, imagining our life with a baby in the mix. K was laughing at me because he still can't believe I'm pregnant, it is very cute. He said he sees me waddling through the aisles, stopping by cribs and shaking them to see if they are sturdy, and he looks down and sees my belly, and the whole picture just cracks him up. I had a lot of fun. Our friend is going to be sending out shower invites that have all the registry information, for folks who have been asking. In short, we are registered at Babies R Us, Target, and

Good night to all!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Cry, Cry, Baby

Today, I played a loop of the sound of a baby crying, to get Brooklyn used to the sound (and quite frankly, me too) and it was very humorous. Brooklyn's head tilted to the side as the audio started, and she stared at the iPod in the speaker for a little bit, and then that was about it, that's about as much interest it held for her. I kept it playing for hours, actually, as Brooklyn and I napped, which was a little weird, because then it became background noise which, obviously, it wouldn't be when the crying is real. But it was a good start in preparing for the change that is about to come.

Tour of Duty

Today, K and I went on a tour of the hospital where we plan to deliver our son. It only took us about 10 minutes, maybe less, to drive there from our house, which is perfect. The hospital itself was very calming. We walked through a corridor which had windows with a gorgeous garden view, and in this garden there was a gazebo and a pond with a little fountain. Really pretty, and unexpected. K said it felt like we were in a hotel. Once we reached the main lobby, there was a marble archway with the quote, "God Shine Your Face Upon Us" etched in delicate print, really beautiful. I felt protected. We arrived at the greeting station for the tour, and we were joined by 9 other couples. K said we looked like a gang as we strolled the halls in unison, all of us women waddling past. He and I were trying to come up with our pregnancy gang sign (couldn't figure one out) - it was very funny! The nurse who gave the tour was very nice, very informative and very approachable, and the hospital was clean and the rooms were neat and personable. It was still all a bit unreal for me. I think there's a part of me that prefers going into these unknown situations with a bit of distance, so that I don't obsess. She explained all the protocol and where the baby goes and where the Mom goes and the "Coach" (I had to ask K if he was my "coach" - he explained that "coach" was a more appropriate term than "dad" since there would be situations where it may be a single mom or a gay couple - I'm a little slow these days!!!), and how they get the Mom and baby together, etc. There are single birthing rooms, no sharing with other pregnant women, and all the rooms have couches for the "coach" to stay 24 hours. We registered after the tour. On our way!!

I made it back to the gym today for my third go at the treadmill (3rd time in this whole pregnancy, pretty pathetic) and walked for 10 minutes. There was a bit more urgency for me in this attempt, however. I had blood drawn to test for glucose levels earlier this week and got a call from my Doctor's office that my levels were a little high and I have to do further testing, a 3 hour glucose testing, to determine whether or not I have developed gestational diabetes. I read that exercise can keep your blood sugar levels down, so off to the treadmill I went. Can't imagine that I did much for my sugar walking only 10 minutes without breaking a sweat or anything, but it's the thought that counts, right? The mothering has already begun, and I can't help but feel responsible somehow for my high levels (I haven't exercised, I could have eaten more vegetables & fruit, etc.), even though I've read and been told that it is unknown why 1-4% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. Diabetes does run in my family, and I have a close sibling with the disease (my brother), and I am African-American, and I am over 25, so these all put me at higher risk for developing it. But the verdict isn't in yet, I am hoping that I don't have it, but if I do, I feel confident that I can pull through and successfully manage it. I do my testing this Monday, I guess I'll get results back in 3 days or so (I don't think it comes back immediately) and we'll see. In the meantime, I am going to have to try to incorporate more exercise in my days, avoid sugar, and just wait and see. Keep your fingers crossed!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Way To A Woman's Art Is Through Her Belly

I absolutely LOVE these pictures. And there are plenty more to see here at Or here at (Proud Body actually makes the casting kit). The entire gallery makes me feel very cheery! I just found out they sell belly casting kits at Babies R Us and Burlington Coat Factory and I am going to try to pick one up tomorrow. A former castmate and mother was telling me months ago to get a kit. I've already let K know about the kit, so he is prepared, sounds like it will be a fun thing to do together.

As a side note, I can't believe how clumsy I've become. In the time span of about three minutes, I managed to spill the juice from a jar of pickles, clean it up off the floor with Brooklyn's help, only to then immediately spill a glass of lemonade as I was pouring it. It would have been funnier if I was doing it on a soundstage in front of a live audience and was getting paid $50,000 an episode. A girl can dream.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Final Stretch

28 Weeks - Third Trimester!
Feeling good and really excited. My mind is full with all sorts of things, mostly with the anticipated joy of meeting my son, mixed in with the mental busy-ness of figuring out how to get the house baby ready. Preparing for a baby has also got me thinking about the future and what I plan to do with my life in the bigger picture, and I have no idea!!! And that is stressful. Of course I want to perform, but recently it hit me that, while I like to daydream about being the leading lady in a movie, I am steadily moving into new age groups that don't necessarily include being the leading lady (at least not in Hollywood movies). But what is interesting is that the things that I like to do are the same things I've liked to do since I was little - perform, write, be in charge, teach, anything with languages. That sums it up. And I do like numbers too, but I don't necessarily remember that as much as a kid - I was always good in math, even in 1st Grade. However, I've decided to just focus on the now, enjoy this last trimester, and not stress too much about the future - I have faith that things will all fall into place. I got some great story books from the adorable four-year old daughter of one of my dearest and childhood friends, and I started reading them to the baby, and it was so much fun! There's definintely something more gratifying about reading a book in hand than reading a story off of the computer (as I've been doing since all our children's books are in storage). It's completely wonderful!