What a morning! Or rather, what a string of mornings! Yesterday morning, after fasting for nearly 12 hours, I went to get my 3-hour glucose tolerance testing done. I had made an appointment online to cut down any waiting time, and my OB's nurse had already called the order in. After waiting only 15 minutes, I was called into the back, where I was poked in the arm with a needle, blood was drawn, and then I was instructed to drink an orange, syrupy-sweet drink (which I did in 60 seconds flat). I then waited for the restroom - only one of the two bathrooms were working in the whole place - and as I was waiting, I heard bits of a conversation between a female lab technician and the man who took my blood that went something like this, "There was an error in the order. You have to let her know that she'll have to do the test over." I was praying I wasn't "her" but sure enough, I was. For whatever reason, the order for my test came in incorrectly, and they followed the order and gave me the wrong glucose drink. It wasn't until afterwards that the female lab tech caught the error. Unfortunately, the drink is very specific to the testing, and because I had already had the wrong drink, which would take 24 hours to leave my system, I had to come back the next day (today) and take the test all over again. SO DISAPPOINTING!!! But, ok, whatever, I got over it after about 20 minutes and came home and ATE, I was starving!
This morning, after fasting again for 11-12 hours, I got up, got dressed, walked Brooklyn, and checked my email. And I guess I was just on autopilot and STARVING, so without even thinking about it, I dove into a bag of tortilla chips and ate about 5 chips, then went back to my computer. About 3 minutes later, the gravity of what I had just done sank in...I ATE TORTILLA CHIPS!!! I WAS FASTING!!! I had an hour before my test and I blew it. I ran into K's studio and told him in horror that I ate tortilla chips and then just broke down into a crying fit that would rival a 2 year-old's worst tantrum. K kept trying to calm me down, but I felt so STUPID! I had forgotten all about my fast and all I knew was that I was hungry. This meant I would have to delay my testing yet another day, and I SO want to know whether or not I have developed gestational diabetes!!!
So, after about 45 minutes, I was calm enough to remember that yesterday I was lamenting the fact that I would miss my prenatal yoga class today because of testing. Now that the testing was botched, I could go and try it out. I got myself together, decided to turn the day around, and drove myself, yoga mat, towel and water bottle in tow, to the yoga class. And let me say, I had a WONDERFUL time. It was very relaxing, but there was also some workout to it, nothing too intensive, but when you've been pretty immobile for the past 3 months or so, you definitely feel the difference. My muscles are so tight, but it was nice to stretch. The baby moved quite a bit, I think he was doing some of the poses too. I was still feeling cautious about doing some poses - not wanting to push too hard after not exercising for a bit - so I didn't do anything I wasn't ready to do. There were only 3 of us in class, so it was an intimate setting, and the whole place is very welcoming and has a nice spirit about it. I'm glad I found it, and it is relatively close to me (about 15 minutes of driving). It completely changed my mood around! And as a bonus to the day: I modified my mobile plan with Sprint and got a $200 credit to my account!! Now that's a good day!!