So, this evening, I ventured alone (because K had to work) to a Natural Childbirth class. I wanted to go specifically to arm myself with as many birthing options as possible, to learn about the full spectrum of pain management, so that I can feel as prepared as I possibly can be going into the unknown of labor. I had to take a highway that I don't often take, let alone by myself, and get off in an area of town that I was completely unfamiliar with, and I DID IT!!! What a difference from when I first moved out here. But I digress...
So, the class was designed by and scheduled to be taught by a doula who, unfortunately for us, was called to a birth. So we had a substitute teacher, another certified doula, although she doesn't practice anymore, who also is a lactation specialist. And she was pleasant enough, even humorously entertaining at times, and pretty sweet. However, it was clear that she was filling in, as she was zipping through the slides and reading from a syllabus. At one point she even exclaimed as she was looking at a slide, "I don't know what that is! Oh, maybe it is this in here," which is fine, and even endearing, but it made me wonder if we were getting the full deal that we had registered and paid for. And it bothered me that she preferred to use the words "poopy" and "potty" in a squeaky voice, rather than using adult words in adult tones. I'm thinking, here we are talking about pushing a human baby through our body, no need to airbrush anything. There was one point in the class when I got really anxious and really antsy, a little like at the Lamaze class, and I'm not sure if it was an internal emotional reaction, or completely external on account of the room being too toasty and me being really tired. But I caught a second wind. Since I was alone, she pulled me up out of my seat during the physical exercise demonstration portion of class and told me that she was going to be my partner. And we went through some of the exercises designed to help one relax as much as one can during labor. She even asked if I meditate regularly because I was so concentrated on my breathing - that made me feel better (I guess I am a glutton for praise - maybe I'm feeling vulnerable). And I have to say that after the class, the pain of labor and the concept of managing it without medication doesn't seem as foreign and devastating as it did to me before the class. But, as I've said before, I am going to just stay open and see how it all goes, try to stay in the moment, and just go from there.
full circle
*Photo of me and Jackson, from my first post*
*Photo of me, Jackson, Walker, and Hazel, taken last week*
Today is my 34th birthday.
The past five and a ...
12 years ago
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