Today, K and I went on a tour of the hospital where we plan to deliver our son. It only took us about 10 minutes, maybe less, to drive there from our house, which is perfect. The hospital itself was very calming. We walked through a corridor which had windows with a gorgeous garden view, and in this garden there was a gazebo and a pond with a little fountain. Really pretty, and unexpected. K said it felt like we were in a hotel. Once we reached the main lobby, there was a marble archway with the quote, "God Shine Your Face Upon Us" etched in delicate print, really beautiful. I felt protected. We arrived at the greeting station for the tour, and we were joined by 9 other couples. K said we looked like a gang as we strolled the halls in unison, all of us women waddling past. He and I were trying to come up with our pregnancy gang sign (couldn't figure one out) - it was very funny! The nurse who gave the tour was very nice, very informative and very approachable, and the hospital was clean and the rooms were neat and personable. It was still all a bit unreal for me. I think there's a part of me that prefers going into these unknown situations with a bit of distance, so that I don't obsess. She explained all the protocol and where the baby goes and where the Mom goes and the "Coach" (I had to ask K if he was my "coach" - he explained that "coach" was a more appropriate term than "dad" since there would be situations where it may be a single mom or a gay couple - I'm a little slow these days!!!), and how they get the Mom and baby together, etc. There are single birthing rooms, no sharing with other pregnant women, and all the rooms have couches for the "coach" to stay 24 hours. We registered after the tour. On our way!!
I made it back to the gym today for my third go at the treadmill (3rd time in this whole pregnancy, pretty pathetic) and walked for 10 minutes. There was a bit more urgency for me in this attempt, however. I had blood drawn to test for glucose levels earlier this week and got a call from my Doctor's office that my levels were a little high and I have to do further testing, a 3 hour glucose testing, to determine whether or not I have developed gestational diabetes. I read that exercise can keep your blood sugar levels down, so off to the treadmill I went. Can't imagine that I did much for my sugar walking only 10 minutes without breaking a sweat or anything, but it's the thought that counts, right? The mothering has already begun, and I can't help but feel responsible somehow for my high levels (I haven't exercised, I could have eaten more vegetables & fruit, etc.), even though I've read and been told that it is unknown why 1-4% of pregnant women develop gestational diabetes. Diabetes does run in my family, and I have a close sibling with the disease (my brother), and I am African-American, and I am over 25, so these all put me at higher risk for developing it. But the verdict isn't in yet, I am hoping that I don't have it, but if I do, I feel confident that I can pull through and successfully manage it. I do my testing this Monday, I guess I'll get results back in 3 days or so (I don't think it comes back immediately) and we'll see. In the meantime, I am going to have to try to incorporate more exercise in my days, avoid sugar, and just wait and see. Keep your fingers crossed!
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