Saturday, October 4, 2008

Face Lift

So, as you can see, I've updated my blog background, thanks to a great site, "The Cutest Blog on the Block", that I found on a great blog, "w/ Love, Sincerely", that I found on my friend's great blog, "Marvelous Kiddo". Check out the "Cutest Blog on the Block" for adorable, FREE blog backgrounds! (I believe there's also a link in the upper left corner of my background now). I've also added a photo slideshow widget to show my tummy growth (my friend DB has a more extensive tummy photo timeline and Xing has the nose photo timeline, thank you both). The slideshow is courtesy of (thank you LPA for the knowledge!!). Enjoy!


Leigh said...

Ooh, so cute! I love the update to your blog, and I'm so glad you had fun with goodwidgets! Your slideshow rocks! Thanks for the link love :)
ps: You're getting so good at this blogging thing, have you thought about continuing, post-preggers?

CocoTheForce said...

OOOOH I love it!!! Good job! I'm slacking on my pics...we HAVE to take one this Friday!