Friday, December 5, 2008

Labor Day

So, yes, I have been in labor today - started late last night, with one big ache, then sporadic cramping and some light spotting. Went to "sleep" around 1:30 am and then at around 3 am, I had to get up and I started timing contractions and found that they were about 10 mins apart. Tried to get back to sleep, but contractions were coming more frequently. But they were short contractions, about 30 seconds long or so. Finally gave up on sleeping at around 5 am, K and I got up and got dressed and got some stuff together. K walked Brooklyn, who was whining when I would breathe through contractions (she sensed something going on) and I continued to time contractions, which were now coming together more frequently. And pretty much, the day consisted of me timing contractions, which were anywhere from 5 mins to 10 mins apart. My Lamaze teacher advised us to wait to go to the hospital until contractions are 4-5 minutes apart, 60 seconds long, and for at least an hour. K, Brooklyn and I walked the hallways outside our apartment, which helped keep contractions coming, and I ate some broth and toast because I was STARVING!! Brooklyn also tried to comfort me by snuggling her little body in my lap, which she doesn't usually do. At around noon, our friend EDB picked up Brooklyn to stay with her. By 1 pm I was able to settle down for a nap, and when I woke up at around 3 pm, my contractions had gotten pretty sparse. I decided I wanted to go to the hospital to see what was happening. They hooked me up to monitors in triage and gave me an internal exam, and basically, dilation was beginning, although just the beginning, and my contractions were only coming every 15 minutes or so. So, they sent me home. I just wanted to make sure the baby was okay, which he is. So, now I am home, baby will probably arrive sometime this weekend. Still having contractions every 20 minutes or so. I am ready for a nap!!! Stay tuned...


CocoTheForce said...

I'VE BEEN HOLDING MY BREATH ALL DAY!!!! I'm so glad your breathing for the both of us!

Leigh said...

Yay! This is so exciting! Thank you for the update. I probably checked your blog about 50 times yesterday :) Sounds like you're doing great, mama! Get lots of rest if you can and definitely keep eating. When I was in labor I got so excited early on that I neglected to eat/drink as much as I should have and I definitely think I would've been stronger later if I had been better nourished. We're thinking about you guys and sending lots of love and encouragement!