Thursday, July 24, 2008

Sloppy Joe, Have A Seat

For some reason, since the pregnancy, I am such a sloppy eater. I'll be sitting down, enjoying a tasty snack, and I stand up and it's like snow flurries of crumbs from everywhere. Or I'll catch myself in the mirror and it will look like I'm wearing a brooch or something and I know I don't wear brooches, so it's gotta be some remnant of an earlier meal. Or food gets hidden in the crease that is developing above my growing tummy. Just yesterday, I looked at myself in the mirror and I noticed that I was extra moisturized until I realized that it was balsamic vinaigrette that had dropped onto my chest (?) while I was eating a self-made salad for lunch. So embarrassing!

Last week, when I made my solo venture into London from Brighton and rode their subway (the Tube), I was offered a seat TWICE, and that was thrilling!! It actually hadn't occurred to me that I should grab a seat, I just got on the subway and there were no seats so I just stood, without processing that I am now a pregnant woman on the subway, which should give me automatic seating rights. At least that is how I've always felt in NY, and I would always get so upset when no one would offer a pregnant woman a seat on the subway. I always did, for pregnant women, or women with small children. Anyway, on the first Tube ride, I happened to be standing before a woman with her small child, each in their own seat, and I was so jet-lagged and sleep deprived, I was just focusing on the cute little boy to keep myself from falling asleep. And then after a few stops, the woman looked up at me, and said with an embarrassed laugh, "Oh, I'm sorry, here!" as she was lifting her son onto her lap to free up his seat. I didn't realize why she was apologizing until I looked down at my stomach and then it all registered. And I told her it was okay because I was getting off at the next stop. Then she asked, "6 months?" and I told her 5 months (excited because she thought I was further along!). And that was that. The second time, I got on the Tube wondering if someone would offer me a seat again. And this time, I actually wanted a seat, because I was just so tired. I kept playing an imaginary scene in my head where I would stand in the middle of the car and ask in a menacing voice, "Is there anyone who's gonna give up their seat for this pregnant woman?" I only had 3 stops so it wasn't a big deal, but I was curious if anyone was going to be generous. And sure enough, with only one stop left, a woman sitting across from where I was standing asked me if I wanted her seat, and I told her it was okay, I only had one stop to go. Interesting that both times, it was a woman who offered her seat, and not a man. Is chivalry dead?

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