My newest maternity find has been the Snoogle Total Body Pillow, by Leach Co. It is a full body pillow that provides a cradle for the head and you can place the other end between your knees for support, and you can decide to either have the pillow cradle you from behind or in front. I love it because it is comfy and soft and it helps me stay on my side and keeps me from rolling on my back while I sleep. It is a bit big in size and if you did want to change positions in the middle of the night, it is a little hard to maneuver, but it is so worth it for the comfort I've found and for peace of mind (I was really concerned about ending up on my back during sleep). K said he is jealous of it because it wraps around me, and when I told my Mom about the pillow, who couldn't believe they now have special pillows, she replied, "They used to call that a husband." I found it for the best price at
Burlington Coat Factory.
I just returned from a trip to Brighton, England with K for work (well, vacation for me) and it was great to be away and in a new place. I did get to go to London for a few hours and visit with my friend TAU from college. She gave me the wonderful gift of a baby carrier made by Ergo, which she enthusiastically claimed to be the best carrier she had used when her son was a baby. It will be for when the baby is older, at least 6 months, which will give him time to outgrow the Baby Bjorn we will probably use first. The Ergo carrier can be worn in front, back, and side. And I love the color, and that it is also male-wear friendly, which is important since K is the more fashion-conscious of the two of us (he's my fashion adviser!).

Physically, I am doing well, getting bigger. Today I am feeling aches here and there along the sides, which I believe, from my reading, is my uterus growing. I have trouble already bending over and tying my shoes - I can manage it, but it isn't the most comfortable thing. I am also starting to feel the chore of rolling over when I am lying down, or sitting up from lying down (I find it easier to roll over onto my side and then push myself up). I can only imagine when I get bigger. My back is starting to feel strained too, mid to upper back. And my back itches more often than I remember. I've also begun to feel the baby's movement, which is absolutely thrilling!! I didn't realize at first that was what I was feeling, and I think the first time I really processed what it was (or maybe it was the first time I was able to feel it, not sure) was at Bette Midler's Vegas extravaganza show a few weeks back. We were close to the stage, so maybe it was the sound of the music that got him going. I love it! Our little dancer/musician. Actually, we joke that our son will be a reserved accountant who will look at us in complete embarassment and disinterest when we make jokes, thinking us completely "unfunny." I doubt it, though. The "silly" genes are pretty strong, on both sides! I can't wait to meet him. Today, I think I'll get back to looking for names.