Sunday, December 21, 2008

New Blog

Well, this marks my last official entry in my I Am Preggers blog, seeing as I am no longer pregnant. However, I have decided to start a new blog, Wild About Baby, at to continue sharing the journey right on into motherhood. No entries as of yet, I hardly have time to go to the bathroom. As it is, I have the baby at my breast and I am typing this with one hand. But do check in with the new blog, I will try to write whenever I get the chance! Thanks for joining me in my pregnancy journey!

P.S. The baby just leaked pee on me through his diaper. Yup, still working on my diapering technique.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

In Conclusion

Brooklyn comforting me during my contractions by snuggling in my lap, which she doesn't usually do.

So, to bring closure to this pregnancy journey, I continued to labor throughout the day on Saturday, December 6th. My contractions got more intense and longer, but were still far apart, about 15-20 minutes apart for the entire day, until early evening, when finally they became about 5 minutes apart. After almost throwing up, K and I decided it was time to head to the hospital. Triage checked me out, I was admitted. I opted for an epidural - after 2 days of laboring, I was exhausted and in a lot of pain, particularly in my back; despite my best efforts to relax completely during contractions, I realized late in the game that what I was doing instead was contracting all the muscles in my back to get through the contractions. After 2 days of doing this, my back was completely shot. They broke my water in the middle of the night and saw a bit of meconium (baby poo), which is common with babies who go a little over term - just means that extra attention in suctioning at birth is required to make sure the baby doesn't inhale any of the waste. By late morning, I stayed dilated at 7 cm (which also happened to my Mom), and I was given a 2 hour window to see if I would progress. In the end, our son was delivered by C-Section (like his Mom). K watched the entire procedure, he knows me inside and out, literally. It was completely surreal, and I had always been sure that I would break down and cry once the baby was delivered, after watching all those birthing shows, but it was just so wild, and I was so exhausted and a little out of it, I didn't cry. I just got very still and quiet - it was quiet awe and ecstasy. K and the baby went up to the nursery, I was wheeled back to my room, where I fell asleep until my son was brought back to me. And in that room, my husband, my son and I spent our first three days as a family! The hospital was great, all the nurses were very attentive, and the food wasn't bad, and I felt pampered, and the room was big and cozy, and there was a TV. Frankly, I was a little afraid to come home, because I knew the pampering would be over, and it would be time to step it up. But home we are, and it is nice to have our son home. And Brooklyn has really taken to our baby boy - as soon as she met him, she licked the back of his head! Any time he cries, she runs over to him, and just wants to lick him, his hands, his feet. She's a real sweetheart. And he's a real sweetheart. Our house is full of love!

Friday, December 12, 2008

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Labor Day 2

So, I guess I am still in labor - early labor I believe would be accurate. I am still having contractions but with no real regularity. Some are 20 minutes apart, some are 13, 17, really varied. And they are lasting longer and they feel more intense. However, I am not sure if they are more intense because they are stronger or because my resolve is whittling down. I just assumed that once contractions started, active labor was right around the corner and the show was on! Looks like I am in tech rehearsal, and I am just wondering how long this phase is going to last, with intense contractions every 20 minutes or so, all weekend? I didn't forsee having to deal with contractions over a course of days. I've told the baby that everything's okay, he can come out whenever he wants, no rush. What is cool is being able to apply some of the stuff that I learned in Lamaze class; it's the same gratification that I felt when I crash-reviewed my college Italian in 4 days and then immediately went to Italy where I was actually able to hold conversation and understand people. I've found that keeping my body forward makes everything more bearable - sitting backwards in a chair and leaning over the back, or being on all fours and leaning forward on the couch, leaning forward on my exercise ball. Also swaying, which looked absolutely ridiculous on the birthing films (called the "Slow Dance) is great, the swaying totally relieves my back. Okay, I just have to stop to say that this is so surreal that I am blogging during my "labor". I had to stop so that I could breathe through a contraction. Anyway, this is where I'm at. Stay tuned...

Friday, December 5, 2008

Labor Day

So, yes, I have been in labor today - started late last night, with one big ache, then sporadic cramping and some light spotting. Went to "sleep" around 1:30 am and then at around 3 am, I had to get up and I started timing contractions and found that they were about 10 mins apart. Tried to get back to sleep, but contractions were coming more frequently. But they were short contractions, about 30 seconds long or so. Finally gave up on sleeping at around 5 am, K and I got up and got dressed and got some stuff together. K walked Brooklyn, who was whining when I would breathe through contractions (she sensed something going on) and I continued to time contractions, which were now coming together more frequently. And pretty much, the day consisted of me timing contractions, which were anywhere from 5 mins to 10 mins apart. My Lamaze teacher advised us to wait to go to the hospital until contractions are 4-5 minutes apart, 60 seconds long, and for at least an hour. K, Brooklyn and I walked the hallways outside our apartment, which helped keep contractions coming, and I ate some broth and toast because I was STARVING!! Brooklyn also tried to comfort me by snuggling her little body in my lap, which she doesn't usually do. At around noon, our friend EDB picked up Brooklyn to stay with her. By 1 pm I was able to settle down for a nap, and when I woke up at around 3 pm, my contractions had gotten pretty sparse. I decided I wanted to go to the hospital to see what was happening. They hooked me up to monitors in triage and gave me an internal exam, and basically, dilation was beginning, although just the beginning, and my contractions were only coming every 15 minutes or so. So, they sent me home. I just wanted to make sure the baby was okay, which he is. So, now I am home, baby will probably arrive sometime this weekend. Still having contractions every 20 minutes or so. I am ready for a nap!!! Stay tuned...

Labor of Love

I believe I am in labor! Looks like our son may arrive right on time!


Zero is the number of:

identical fingerprints

identical snowflakes

female American Presidents

days until my due date!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Toy Story

Brooklyn and the baby are going to be fighting over toys!!! And I guess I shouldn't be surprised; when dog toys consist of squeaky stuffed animals, how is a dog supposed to be able to differentiate between a dog stuffed animal toy and a human stuffed animal toy. I was putting a baby washcloth with a teddy bear rattle head in the wash and Brooklyn took one look at the teddy bear and starting doing high jumps to get her paws on it. She loved everything about it, the color, the sound, the fuzziness. Great!! I had to tell her "no" and then get one of her own toys - also with great color, sound and fuzziness. She grabbed her toy in her mouth, ran to the couch, and then put it down behind her and continued to stare with yearning at the bear head in my hand. This will be interesting. She is now, as I type, trying to get the slippers off of my feet, and for the same reason - when she was a puppy, I thought it was cute that she thought my fuzzy slippers were toys and I let her play with them, and so now she has claimed them as her own. Specifically this pair of slippers that I am trying to wash so I can take to the hospital. See, I can't blame her. I just hope I can get her to understand that some things are hers and somethings are the baby's! Wish me luck! (I write about Brooklyn a lot, don't I?).

Excitement of the Day

I went to Babies R Us yesterday afternoon to buy a humidifier. As I drove up and turned into a row to look for parking, I was all set to automatically drive right by the parking spaces up front because I assumed they were reserved for Handicapped Parking. But lo and behold, they were reserved especially for "Expectant Mothers"!! Man, I turned my car into one of those spots, completely proud and tickled with myself. It really was a great feeling. It's the small things in life.


One is the number of:

eyes on a Cyclops

wheels on a unicycle

lenses on a monocle

horns on a unicorn

rails on a monorail

days left until my due date!!

Photo and facts retrieved from website of Richard Phillips.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Buckle Up

Aw man, K just sent me a text (what is the past tense of the verb "text" anyway? "Texted"?!) saying that the new seat buckle for our car didn't arrive, even though K drove all the way out to the dealership for his appointment this morning (and he's not a morning person). They want him to come back tomorrow. Don't you think that they could have called him to tell him it didn't come in? What a drag! And now I'm bummed because that means another day until I can get the car seat properly installed on the passenger's side. So annoying! I guess if the baby comes tonight, I'll be driving home from the hospital (unless I have a C-section), I don't see how K's gonna fit in the driver's seat with the baby behind him! Maybe Xing can drive us all home. Okay, I'm gonna stay positive - the seat buckle will come in tomorrow, we'll get the buckle fixed, the car seat will get installed properly, the baby will arrive after the car is done. And if not, then that's just gearing me for the unexpected that comes along with parenting, right? Right? Hello?...ahem.

Picture Perfect

Yesterday K and I went to his friend's professional photography studio and had a photo shoot, which was really fun. We had very few pictures of us together to commemorate this special time in our life, so we are very thankful for this opportunity. The studio is called Cache Media Works, and K's friend and photographer is Joe Kennemore. Thanks Joe!


Two is the number of:

every animal in Noah's ark

witnesses required to validate a marriage

things in a pair

blades on a pair of scissors

hands on a clock or human


wheels on a bike

days left until my due date!!

Photo and many facts retrieved from website of Richard Phillips.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Pride and Groom

Yesterday afternoon ended up being my own personal primp and grooming session. I began by washing my hair - figured it could be a while before I have that luxury again. Then I grabbed the razor and got to shaving - I didn't think I'd be able to get my legs, but I managed with strategic placement and stretching over the tub. Then I clipped my toe nails - the thought of unkempt toes in the air as I am pushing in the hospital just disgusts me!! I was going to paint my toe nails, but then I realized that would mean nail polish remover at some point in the future, so I didn't bother. Then I moisturized with love and care. And I felt great. Except that my feet were pretty swollen, I couldn't really make out my inner ankles. And, when I got up to leave the bathroom, it felt as if I had done about 50 squats, which I attribute to having my legs crossed and stretching forward to shave my legs. I probably used muscles that I haven't used in months by doing something as simple as that, pretty scary.

Today we are going to get our picture taken by a photographer friend of K's. We have so few pics of us together while I am pregnant, so this will be cool. K also went yesterday to have our seat buckle fixed and they have to order a part!!! So, he has to go back tomorrow to get the part installed. I hope the baby can wait. I have a feeling that he is going to arrive late, I don't know why, but that's what I am feeling. Stay tuned!


Three is the number of:

types of galaxies

stars in constellation Orion's belt

Laws of Robotics

types of volcanoes

Greek and Roman Fates

Greek Graces

heads of Cerberus

Wise Men

The Holy Trinity

R's (Reading, 'Riting, 'Rithmetic)

notes in a triad


Blind Mice

Sisters (Chekhov)

Little Pigs


wheels on a tricycle

primary colors

days left until my due date!!

Photo retrieved from website of Richard Phillips

Monday, December 1, 2008

Reality Check

Okay, I just crossed off the last day in November on our wall calendar and ripped off the November sheet to display December and I got so nervous!! Excited but also a little freaked out about the labor that I am going to have to go through in a matter of DAYS. I know I am not alone, many women have done this before me, I know, I know, I keep telling myself. But now it is ME going through it - and I don't like pain, I really don't. I know it will be worth it to see my little boy finally, but WOW!! I was watching him move in my belly and thinking to myself he has to come out of me. I was reading that the head circumference of a baby is 11 1/2 centimeters, but the cervix only dilates as far as 10 centimeters. Ouch! The head molds to fit, but still. Looking at the calendar, it feels like it has taken FOREVER to get to December. I love that we are here, though! I am really excited. It is weird, I watch TV and see commercials for movies or TV shows and they'll say, "Watch it December 6th!" or "In theaters December 12th" or whatever, and I think to myself, the baby will be here then. So crazy!

Total digression, but Brooklyn has become a little diva - K and I were talking in the kitchen when our conversation was disrupted by the sound of scraping. We look to see Brooklyn tapping her paw against her ceramic water bowl and looking back at us, asking for more water. However, her bowl was filled with water. But no, that water had been sitting and was now warm, she can't drink that! She likes the cold water that comes straight from the fridge's water dispenser. She was in effect asking us to dump the warm water and fill it up with the cold fridge water. K couldn't believe it! He started telling her, "No, you better drink that water that's in your bowl!" And she protested with a huff and a little whine. So FUNNY! Funny until we move back East where most apartments don't come with fridges that dispense water! I may have to keep cold water for her in the fridge when we move back. Oh Great!!


Four is the number of:


phases of the moon

compass points


suits in a deck of cards

legs on Brooklyn

Tops (Motown)


wings on a bee

wisdom teeth, canine teeth and incisor teeth in a human mouth

Noble Truths in Buddhism

Gospels in The New Testament

days left until my due date!!